How to be Productive While Stuck in Traffic

Life in the Los Angeles is active to say the least. Living in Southern California, I can go to the beach, mountains, city, and the valley all in one day. But the one thing that I can never get away from is the bumper to bumper traffic that packs the freeways. To conquer that hours of wasted time in traffic, I’ve came up with some productive methods to combat the boredom. So, whether you’re in some everyday traffic or going on a road trip, here are some ways to be productive make the most out of your time on the road*.


Call someone you’ve been meaning to catch up with

Being stuck in traffic is bad, but being stuck in traffic by yourself is way worse. There’s no friend to sing a duet with or play a classic game of punch buggie! Talk to a friend during your rough patch on the road and watch time fly by. If by chance your friend happens to be busy, use that time to make those calls you’ve been avoiding, such as your doctor or dentist appointments. Might as well get it out of the way since you can’t do much else anyways, right?

Listen to an audio book

Music is fun, but listening to audio books has to be one of my favorite things to do on the road, even if I’m not in traffic. In my adult life, I find it much harder to find time to read. To sneak it into my busy schedule, I listen to self-help books that motivate me to stay focused on my life goals. But for those who don’t always want a pep talk during your car ride, you can listen to other genres, such as adventure, sci fi, or romance. I use the Audible app to find a variety of books, right at my fingertips**.

Listen to new songs

Listening to music, the car ride classic. But if, for some reason you, get tired of hearing the same 10 songs on the radio, I turn to my phone for a bigger variety. I used the Spotify Browse section to give me song playlists made for every mood and genre I’m interested in.** From punk to afternoon acoustics, the app gives great suggestion to fit every need. Or if you want your own music, you can set up playlists for a preset list of songs. Try using it next to you’re on the road


Not like cross legged, candle lit room kind of meditation. More like practice breathing techniques to be conscious of your body. You can also use this time to be aware of the thoughts you are having. When you’re alone, do you find your thoughts drift to nervous, anxiety filled energy? Use that time to train yourself to fight against them. Focus your thoughts on your future goals, make a mental to do list, or count the things you’re grateful for. Make the best out your time and learn to better yourself in the process.



* These tips are meant to be set up before you are driving. I do not recommend doing these steps, such as setting up an app on your phone, while the car is in motion. Distracted driving is dangerous to yourself and to those around you.

** I am not sponsored or paid in any way for mentioning the apps below, I just find them helpful and wanted to give you good resource to use.


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