Start by Starting


I suck at starting new things. To me, beginning feels like formally admitting to myself that I am not an expert at everything. A statement that’s hard to admit as a recovering perfectionist. However, the antidote to this fear isn’t what you’d typically expect: It’s giving yourself permission to be mediocre. Permission to suck, fail miserably, and completely mess up. Because in the midst of a messy beginning, comes a knowledge that is only gained through experience. If you’re ready to live with intention and solely focus on your goals, here’s a few tips that I’ve learned along the way. 


Start with Micro Tasks:

Micro tasks are the smallest starting point to a new habit. Although there’s small progress initially, growth will come if you stay consistent. An example of this would be, if you want to wake up at 5:30 every morning but current wake up at 7, first focus on only getting up 15 minutes early. It’s a much more manageable goal that won’t feel too overwhelming for a sudden hour and a half sleep adjustment. Another goal could be to become a better writer. If your goal is to start writing 1,000 words a day, begin with only writing 100. Yes, it’s small… but that’s the point. Your micro task will grow exponentially, and you’ll create a habit that will actually last.

Give Yourself Grace:

Warning: you are going to fail when you start anything new. In fact, it’s better if you fail. However, the way you perceive that failure will decide whether you have momentum or come to a screeching halt. Before you start a new task, consciously decide that when you fail, it doesn’t mean you yourself are a failure. Separating those two concepts will help you recover quicker from obstacle and keep you focused on your goal.

Make Consistency your Goal, not the Result:

Most of us determine if we are successful or not by how often we complete a goal. But some of the greatest things experience in life are built over time. So, does that mean that were living as unsuccessful being until the very moment we reach our finish line? By merely focusing on the result, we rob ourselves of the present moment and minimalized the work it took to get there. Instead, I challenge you to celebrate. Not only when you complete your goals, but for the mere fact of being dedicated enough to follow through with your goal. Measure your success by how often you stay consistent to your word and learn to enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

Success is inevitable as long as you move toward your goal on a daily basis. Helen Mirren once said, “You write your life story by the choices you make every day.” So, make your story a good one. I can’t wait to read it.


Documenting the Journey


The Tale of the High Achiever