The One Thing That Will Finally Kick You into Action

Following through with what you say you want to do is a superpower. Imagine, everything single time you plan to do something, you do it no matter what. Doesn’t matter if you’re in a bad mood, hangry, unmotivated, etc. You. Still. Follow. Through.

This is possible, but what’s the secret? Deciding ahead of time.

When you truly decide on something, there's no questioning or mentally going back and forth between your choices. You make a plan and stick to it until you reach your desired result.

For example, let's say you want to change up your diet and will no longer consume bread for the next month. If you haven't fully committed to your decision, when you go to have lunch with a friend at a restaurant and the waiter places the delicious bread basket right in front of you, you'll be mentally going to war with yourself. You'll try to decide if that roll is worth breaking your diet, is it even that big of a deal if you only have a bite, and maybe you'll just start next month. But, if you've already decided, you can say, "That looks delicious, can't wait to come back and try it again in a month once I've hit my goal." and get the pleasure of feeling proud of yourself for keeping your word.

Is it a natural mental switch? No. It will take deliberate practice and, even then, you will still mess up at times. That's totally okay and normal,

When tempted to break your promise, remember why you're doing it in the first place. Focus on the future success instead of the temporary pleasure. You've got this!!


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How to Believe Anything