Your Life is Like IKEA


You are an IKEA package. A package that takes a lifetime to fully be built. On the other side of that cardboard is the life you were meant to have, complete with options to become your best self, own your dream home, cultivate genuine relationships, and gain financial freedom. The manufacture even threw in a special talent and purpose that only you can do as a bonus. All the parts, steps, directions, and materials are already included inside, nice and neat for your convenience. All you have to to is open it and put it together.

Everyone has this package, but not everyone gets to work right away.

The majority of people are excited about the idea of the life inside the box. They day dream about it at work and chat over dinner with friends about all the new possessions they'll have. But when the time come to start building, they make excuses out of fear. They've decided its too big, too hard, and it'll probably take too long before it's finally put together. They live life in default, wishing the had the courage to try. Their box is placed in the middle of their living room floor, a constant, glaring reminder of the possibility of a better life.

A small group believe there's nothing in the box. It's simply a wishful dream people are naively believing. The 1% that do live their dream lives were just lucky, not the norm. They believe people should stick to reality and take the traditional path. And sure, its not their passion, but life is predictable and certain. They need nothing more and the box remains left in the corner collecting dust.


And finally, an even smaller group of people believe that the box is their birthright. That their success is inevitable and they are meant to live the purpose driven life. They know that they are capable of figuring out how to build a life they love because it was made specifically for them in the first place. These people didn't always have this mindset, but once they stopped letting other people's opinions get in their way, they became unstoppable. They get to work as soon as it arrives, building a little more consistently each and every day.

Now, when you start to unwrap this box and take out the parts, its going to look like a mess for bit. For this part, its essential to give yourself space. Enough space to make mistakes, to give yourself grace, to grow, to learn. You may fall into a rookie mistake and try to build the entire thing in one night, before you're 30, before your other friend finishes building their life. That will only leave you frustrated, burnt out, and confused. Take it slow. There is no need to rush because your life is already yours. You own it. So no matter how long it takes to fully develop, it is still already yours and you will be fulfilled on your own timeline. Enjoy the process.

Eventually you'll find the instructions. Unfortunately, they're in Swedish. But lucky for you, they give you a hint of what those instructions are with simple pictures. Like a vision, it's guide to the next step you're supposed to take. Be sure to look at your visions regularly to make sure you're inspired and still on the right step.

At times, your life will look like a two-legged table. Some will laugh at it, while others will understand you're in progress. Honestly, neither opinion matters. Just trust and remember that everything will work out as it should in the end. And don't be afraid to ask for help if you get stuck.

What they don't tell you about in the instructions is that you never stop building. Life teaches more lessons, becomes more intricate in design, and grows classically vintage with age. You will become wiser, and now get the opportunity to go back and guide those who are just getting started on their package. The project is complete once you're gone, becoming a source of inspiration to others for using your gift to the fullest. A legacy in your own right.

By now, I'm sure you can tell I love similes and metaphors (I did 6 semesters of creative writing, does it show?). As silly as the image of an IKEA life box may be, right now it's the most tangible way to capture how you are made to create the dreams that are on your heart. So get started, be consistent, and build your dream life.


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