How to Make Every Day Extraordinary Without Changing a Thing

Its a simple idea. Sometimes too simple. Nonetheless it's method has drastically changed my daily outlook. The idea: decide to have a good day.

I know, I know. This concept is as glaringly obvious as saying California is sunny. But what is common knowledge is not always common practice.

I finally adopted this mindset when I flopped on the couch to complain to my mom about my day at work. I hated everything about it and each day I felt like I was just dragging through the motions trying to survive. As my frustrated rambling came to an end, my mom calmly said, "Well I hope you have a better day tomorrow."

I scoffed at her hopefulness, "It won't"

"It won't because you already decided that it would be bad. Go to work expecting to have a good day."

The idea lingered. Had I been having months of bad days at work because I was expecting it to go wrong? That would mean I was making basically my own self fulfilling prophesy to work against me. So the next day I put it to the test. When hiccups arose in my day, I rolled with the punches instead of letting negativity trickle into the rest of my shift. I stayed calm, focused, and reminded myself that no matter what happened today it was still a good day. Lowe and behold, she was right. It was the best shift I had ever worked.

Maybe, you love your workplace but hate coming home to a messy roommate leaving another pile of dishes in the sink. Maybe you took too many units this semester and are drowning in papers. Whatever your equivalent is to my experience, try this trick out. Especially if you encounter the thing you dream on a daily basis. Why choose to suffer along when there's an option to thrive wherever you are? Try it out and let me know. I can't wait to hear how it works for you, friend.


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