You Don't Actually Believe Your Dreams are Possible (and that's okay)


Yes, you read that right. I don't think you actually believe the impossible is possible yet. In fact, I know you don't. How? Because if you did, you'd take massive, focused, and consistent action. You wouldn't let rejection, failures, or roadblocks get you down because you'd know your success was inevitable. No doubt in your mind that you will end up living out your definition of success. What slows us down the most is the fact that we don't fully believe they can happen.

So how do you fully believe your dreams are possible? You do it by believing in yourself enough to know that you won't quit until it is done. You have to trust that you are capable enough to reach that goal.

If you dive a bit deeper, you'll realize the problem isn't that you don't believe the dream is possible. For example, it’s not impossible to become a world-renowned music artist, land on the moon, or be a YouTuber with millions of subscribers. Plenty of people have accomplished those things in the past so we already know it's possible. The problem is you just believe its possible for YOU to do those things. And the moment you limit yourself is the moment you stop making progress.

It’s normal to doubt yourself and compare your progress to others, that’s our natural reaction to new and uncomfortable things. But you can’t stay with that stay mindset if you want to grow. Your journey is your own. Things will happen when they’re supposed to and when you feel lost, remember things are working for you, not against aginst you.

You are capable of doing challenging things. You will get back up when the world believes you should stay down. You will stay committed to your goals even if you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. You will turn your dreams into your reality. Just keep taking the next best step and the path will appear.


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