My Dad Hates When I Cook This... And That's Okay.

It’s eggs. My Dad doesn't like my eggs. Scrambled, poached, sunny side-up, none of it appeals to him (although I only know how to make scrambled... I'm not that fancy) But my mom, thinks that I make the best eggs in the world. She always says they're so fluffy, creamy, and flavorful and I must make the eggs on Sundays because she can't figure out how I make them. And for those wondering, there's no big secret like chicken bone broth or sage to make them fancy. I simply keep moving the eggs around the skillet continuously and turn off the heat right before they're fully cooked through. So so my Dad hates my cooking and thinks it's gross. and my mom thinks I make the best eggs in the world. And neither option has anything to do with me. I'll show you what I mean. The reason why my Dad hates eggs isn’t because I'm a bad cook. He's hated eggs since he was a child because his mom made him eat them every day until he finally couldn't take it anymore and threw them up . My mom on the other hand, tries to eat a egg once a day. either s an omelet or a scramble. Even if I cooked a horrible batch of eggs, my mom would probably still eat it because that’s just who she is and se will not waste it. The outcome of someone liking my cooking or not has nothing to do with me. It has to do with their own perception and past experience. For example, I'm a director who just made a film I’m extremely proud of. I launch my movie and there are equally the same number of critical reviews to raving ones. Still their experience of my movie had nothing to do with me and only should their own past experience. What am I trying to get at? create. People will judge you or love you whether you do something you love or not. Might as well put on a on good show while you’re here.


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