Want to Finally Follow Through on Your Projects?

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Is it just me or have any of these thoughts run across your mind while working at your craft?

"This should be easy. I shouldn't have to convince myself so hard to work on my project because it's something I love to do anyway, right?"

"There's noooo way I can publish this yet, it's not perfect. What if people hate it?"

"If I was really talented, I'd be a natural from the start"

If you can relate, listen up friend. The problem isn't your talent, skills, or ability. It's your thoughts about your talent. Our brain is naturally programmed to look for danger (rejection in the form of a harsh Instagram comment) and keep us safe (binge watch Netflix instead of learning a new skill).

Until you learn to overwrite your hardwired thoughts, your projects will continue to pile up with dust. So if you're ready to...

+ Cheers with a glass of rosé to celebrate your finished project instead of downing a bottle to numb your disappointment for not following through again.

+ Write your project schedule on a calendar with confidence, knowing you'll get your work done... the day it's supposed to be done.

+ And overcome creative roadblocks with as much peace of mind as wiping up spilled milk. (A.K.A. No. Big. Deal.)


Then click the button below so we can start creating a sustainable, fulfilling creative routine that will have you running out of bed in the morning to build your craft.


My Dad Hates When I Cook This... And That's Okay.


Yes, I'm a Mind Reader