Stepping Into My Purpose


I am sitting in my room at my wooden desk, with a fluorescent lamp providing too bright of a light as I type this, keeping a promise to myself. My promise was that I'd do what is uncomfortable, hard, and challenging in order to grow. To show up for myself.

It may be bold of me to say, but I want to do big, audacious things in my life. I want to do life-changing work with people who are ready to transform their lives. I want people to realize that there is no limit on what they can do on this Earth. Everything is within reach, they just have to be willing to work for it.

But I want to do that by leading by example, not just telling people to do as I say. I will be a leader with integrity who does the hard work right alongside her community. I will be willing to be open and share the unfiltered facts of what it takes to let go of who you are today to embrace who you want to be.

Using research in psychology and human behavior, my goal is to teach people how to consciously live their lives so that they can experience the fullest of life as early as possible. Specifically, those who refuse to live a mediocre life. The ones who want more than what an average society is given. People who want to be proactive instead of reactive, vulnerable instead of guarded, and step toward their fears instead of away. Together we will be an odd bunch of achievers, but together we will impact the world.

We are only on this Earth for a brief moment in time and I don't want anyone laying on their death bed wishing they had taken a chance on themselves, left wondering 'What if?' My wish is that when we all pass on, we will enter Heaven confidently, knowing that we used up every bit of our God-given talent the way we were supposed to.

I write this knowing that it will sound ridiculous to make such concrete statements about my entire life at a “young” age. And who knows maybe I’m wrong. But this is what has been on my heart for the past 4 years and quite frankly I am tired of ignoring it calling. So these are my humble beginnings at fully believing in myself for the first time. May you be inspired to do the same.


A Humble Interaction


The Last Thing I Want to do Right Now