The Last Thing I Want to do Right Now

Today I failed. Not because I actually tried something and it didn't work out, but because I refused to try at all. And what was the big, scary thing I was avoiding? An at home, 17 minute PiYo workout.

I got too caught up in my head, told myself I had just eaten and needed to wait, that it would hurt too much and I was already sore, it was too late and I'd do it in the morning, I needed to clean my room first to have enough space... the list goes on. Our brains are incredibly smart and can help us come up with the most logical and convincingly good reasons not to do something. But no matter how good the reason, at it's bare bones, it is always just an excuse.

Trying to become an entirely new person requires changing everything. Your thoughts, routines, relationships, and perspectives. And from a psychological stand point, m y reaction was totally understandable. Me not doing PiYo today does not brand me as being lazy or not a hard worker, it just means I'm uncomfortable with change and that is ok. I have to remind myself that things aren't going to completely change over night. I'm breaking old habits and slowly rewiring my brain to create new ones and that takes time. So to get a little better at doing uncomfortable things, I'm going to change myself by asking "What is the last thing I want to do right now?" and then do it. Sounds simple enough, but hopefully the question prompt will be another reminder that progress doesn't happen in my comfort zone.

Gotta say, so far so good. I didn't want to write this post right now, I'd rather be asleep. But here I am at 12:39 a.m. finishing this up. Now, I can rest with a bit more pride in myself than I had before.


Stepping Into My Purpose


Documenting the Journey