The Smallest Step with the Biggest Impact

You know the secret to moving forward to your life? It isn't a productivity hack or latest habit trick. It actually involves no physical movement at all. What gets you ahead is simply deciding. Yes, making a decision. Seems like such a small step, unimportant to the common thought. When you decide, there's no more mental battle happening in your mind, you've made a choice and you will stick to it no matter what. Period. End of Story. For example, a marriage. When you have a girls night with your best friends at a class y bar and you see an amazing cute guy listening at the end. You don't question, "Oh, I wonder what I should say to him?" or "Do you think he likes party girls" Absolutely not. You've already made up your mind that you'll be married to the love of your life for the rest of your life. Yes there will be other hot guys, but they're irrelevant because you've already decided on which guy can have your heart. Not married? Here's another practical one. You've just decided that you're not going to eat bread for a month to do a health cleanse. When you go out to lunch with a friend and the waitress sets a fresh basket of warm delicious bread o b the table, you don't ponder whether a nibble would be 'that' bad or maybe you can jus start next month. You say, "wow that looks delicious, can't wait to come back and try it in a month." I get it, these are silly examples, but when you decide of an option, other things are no longer a choice. When you decide you’re going to meet your friend at the gym after work, you go even if you’re tire. When you decide you want to be an author, all other career paths are no longer relevant. Deciding narrows your vision to focus solely on what you want to make it a reality. Sure, not making a decision feels safer, to keep all options open to make sure you definitely pick the best one. But here's the kicker, the best decision is the one you commit to. and, simultaneously, there is no best decision. if you’re not taking action, it because you still haven’t decided.


Let People Judge You, They're Already Doing It Anyways


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