How to Handle Distractions

Most of the time, we give into the urge to be distracted by external things because we automatically believe they are important. Weigh this for yourself, but it may be beneficial to consciously decide what interruptions are important enough to validly be distracted from your work.

For example, are distractions like a friend calling you for a general check-in, a family member telling you about an emergency, hearing local breaking news on tv, or noticing a social media/ email notification all equally important? Which distractions are the ones you would not feel comfortable putting off to later time? Those are the important ones. Making a decision on that may help you have clarity when those other less urgent moments arise.

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help create your boundary:

- What distractions regularly occur during my working hours?

- From this list, what distractions are the ones I would need to attend to right away? (I suggest making a list of the important ones and keeping it in a visual place in your work area so you can easily assess if the distraction is important or not.)

- How will I politely resist an urge to be distracted by others? What can I say to my family members and friends so I create a boundary, but still show up as my best self?

- How will I decipher between when I truly need to address a distraction and when I am unconsciously looking for a way to avoid my work?

- Is there a way to systemize or schedule the distractions that regularly occur so they happen at a more ideal time?


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